
Wreck it ralph fanfic-Chapter 14

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Wreck it ralph fanfic-Chapter 14

"Tamora?"felix asked as his wife walked into the room wearing shorts and a tank-top

"arent you cold?"


"its winter,its december,its almost christmas,its begining to look alot like christmas so put some pants on"

"I love it when you you do that"

"really put some pants on and come back to help with the tree"

"fine shortstack if thats what you want I thought you liked me like this"

"I do but I want you to please put some pants on"

"fine"tamora said walking out of the room

"she's going crazy"

"mom's going crazy"

"vanellope what how did you"

"I tell you every time I glitch"

"ok well tamora came out here wearing only shorts and a tank-top"


"and its cold out"


"so I dont want her getting sick"

"so she cant wear shorts and a tank-top cause of that"

"im confused"

"so am I so lets start decorating this tree"

"not yet sweety we must wait for tammy"


Tamora came back wearing pants and a jacket

"better fix-it"

"much better thank you"

"come on lets decorate"vanellope whined after they decorated there was a blizzard outside that was really bad that they got snowed in and eventually the power was knocked out so they made a nice toasty fire tamora is staring at the fire felix looks at her and sees that shes lost in thought and has somthing on her mind


"huh what"

"what is it?"


"it looks like you have something on your mind"

"its nothing"

"come on its something you can tell me what have you been thinking about"

"ok ive been thinking about you,me,us,and other stuff in the future"

"do you want to tell me"

"I dont know"

"come on tell me"

"promise not to freak out"

"I promise"

"have you noticed anything different about me felix"

"maybe some things like you sleep more,eat more,dont drink at the bar,your going crazy"

"I dont know how to tell you"

"write it in a note if you cant say it"

"maybe I just might"

"when will the power come back on?"

"I dont know vanellope"

"felix cant you fix it?"

"not in this weather are you kidding I mean I could but not in this weather"

"ok mr.I dont wanna fix it"tamora said laughing


"what its true solider"

"can we enjoy the power out right now together as a family"

"yeah can we"jack asked

"ok"felix said looking out the window

"hey guys we are snowed in with no power"

"cool let me see let me see!!"vanellope yelled pushing felix out of the way

"woh sooooo much snow AWSOME!!"

"come on vanellope its late you should get to bed we should all get to bed"tamora said picking up vanellope

"ok calhoun"vanellope said with a yawn

Jack and ralph also went to their rooms cause felix made a room for ralph too


The next morning the storm had ended they played in the snow and felix restored the power

"hey do you guys wanna have a snow building contest"


"ok ok so each of us build something then we can get like someone to pick the best"

"you want me to judge"tamora asked

"no I want you to be a part of it too,you can get one of your soliders to judge though"

"ok then lets start this snow building contest"

Later it was time for the judging to begin tamora made markowski judge
vanellope made snow ralph that was life size
jack made himself in his wolf form
ralph made vanellope and himself out of snow
tamora made a cy-bug
and felix made everyone out of snow

"so markowski who won"

"I cant pick a winner there all awsome"

Later tamora and felix are walking through the snow and looking at the snow things they made

"so you made a snow thing of everyone"

"well you,me,ralph,vanellope,and jack so yeah"

"it looks just like me and its the same size and everything"

"yeah its kind of freaky"

Tamora looked at the moon felix looked at her,she looked beautiful in the moonlight
then out of nowhere she turned around screamed and shot her gun

"what was that about?"

"I thought I saw a cy-bug"

"tammy that was just your snow cy-bug from the contest"

"oh yeah,but you can never take any chance's"

"yeah your right lets go back inside and i'll make hot chocolate"

"with little marshmallows in it"

"of course"they laughed walking inside


To Be Continued.................

Wreck it ralph fanfic-Chapter 14
© 2013 - 2024 icewolf14
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